Join Now!

We are constantly looking to recruit youths from ages 12-18. We parade on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

 Joining Instructions

We are currently adhering to the Public Health Measures.
For new recruits and returning cadets, the 2023-2024 training year has commenced!

We will update the procedure once we are safe and ready.
Please subscribe to our email newsletter for prompt updates.

Steps to get started:

  1. Please visit this link to get started if you are interested in joining us.

  2. If you meet the requirements for application, you must bring the following documents when you come to registration:

    a. Bring a photocopy of one of the following

    • A valid Canadian passport

    • A birth certificate

    • A valid resident card

    • A valid identification card issued by a Canadian provincial agency

    • A valid identification card issued by a Canadian federal agency

    b. You will need proof of medical insurance for your youth (BC Card Care, private insurance – i.e. Blue Cross). We will not take a copy of this information, but you will need to present it before finalizing the application. Please bring the original card.

The following forms are required to be filled out by all youth wishing to join the Air Cadet Program:

  • Form CF1158 – Application Form
    Please ensure that you read the first two pages before you fill out this form. Please complete this form and bring it with you when you register.
    (Note: this needs to be printed on legal size paper)

  • Parent Registration Form (New and Returning Cadets)

    • *$200 Sponsorship Fee

      • Accepted payment: cash or cheque

      • Cheques payable to: "513 Hornet Squadron Sponsoring Committee"

    • Once you have filled out the form, please scan and email it to